When you first enter the Centre you are warmly greeted by a receptionist.
Then depending which activity you wish to participate in you will find yourself directed to different locations in the Centre. Lunch, whist and chess take place in the dining room.
Choir practice, bridge, harmonica band practice, our quartet (plays on Wed. at noon), crib, carpet bowling and line dancing all take place in the hall.
We have a large pool room with two 6 x12 tables and two 5 x 10 tables open to all members.
Our craft room is used Monday afternoon for Bridge, Wednesday for hobbies, Thursday by the Duncan Carvers and Wednesday / Friday afternoon for whist. All peoples in these groups must be members in good standing.
The purpose of the Society is to promote, in the best interests of the elder citizens of the Cowichan Valley, all matters pertaining to their welfare. To present Briefs to the proper authorities to ensure continuation of social programs obtained over the years. To maintain premised for the comfort, recreation and companionship of the membership.